
Behind the Scenes of "water: 70% of the earth and 75% of the human body"

Oh man, my blog has been in dire need of an update for months! So when Firat uploaded some behind the scenes photos from our shoot the other day, I decided I'd post em here for you to see!! Hope Firat doesn't mind me posting these :O

Credit on the following images goes to Firat and Berçin. (click on them to see larger)

Firat checking for me that everything was set correctly

from a different angle

making sure things look right

one of Firat's photos of me

my baby

Well there we go. A tiny selection of the behind the scenes stuff. Thanks once again to the two gents for coming out with me and helping me out. Very much appreciated! I really am incredibly thankful of everyone who's helped me so so much throughout this recovery period. Unfortunately, it's not over though so I'll still be relying on them all. Gotta find a way to pay everyone back for their help though once I'm better! Maybe organise a BBQ or something of this sort :-)


bokehlicious textures for everyone

Here are some full resolution bokeh light textures which you can all use.

If you dont know how to use a texture, just google "texture use tutorial" and it'll come up with tons of tutorials.

Full Sized links are under each image so click the links under the pics!

full sized download

full sized download

full sized download

full sized download

full sized download

full sized download


blood on her hands - a different edit.

So here is the final edit of this picture (the one I went with):
blood on her hands

and here is the much lighter and less expected edit of it:

(click for larger)

If you prefer the lighter version, leave me a comment!


Guy Fawkes - before and after

Here is the before and after of my "Guy Fawkes" image which can be seen here:
60/365: Guy Fawkes

OK, so before I put up the before/after, I would like to say that I decided to include the crop I used in the picture as part of this because otherwise the comparison looks a bit weird.

(click for larger view)

As a very brief and quick "how to", I'll explain what I did.

Well, you can see the before pic - that's where it started (not including the initial crop). I first took it into photoshop as a RAW file and worked on things like white balance and exposure, highlights, lights, darks, and shadows. I then moved the pic from camera raw to photoshop's main part. Here, first flipped the image then I cloned the beard all the way up properly so it covered my whole jaw entirely. I then changed the colour of the hat by selecting only the hat and the area around it on a duplicate layer then going to "replace colour". Because I hadn't selected around the hat only, I had to then create a mask and paint back in the parts of my head and hair I needed. I then did the same for the jacket making it a little darker. Then I added a "painting texture" and set it to "multiply" as the blending mode and made a mask painting back in my own body so the texture remained only behind me. Then I messed further with curves, gradients, colour overlays and that sort of thing to get the tones exactly as they appear in the pic. I then applied a slight grunge texture on about 20-30% opacity. And lastly I applied a very small vignette and voila.

That's the most photoshop I've done on a single image in ages but I dont mind it. I like photoshop so its cool :)


How to protect your camera from rain

After I posted the photo entitled ocean dreams, I said that I would show those who were wondering how to protect their cams from the rain, how I did it.

Here's how:

What I did was wrap my camera up in a plastic bag which was kinda thin and I made sure it's loose enough to cover the whole cam but also leave the lens area open when I needed it to. I wrapped it round the tripod base thingy too so when I popped the tripod thingy into it's slot with the camera on it, it also secured the plastic bag on the cam so made sure it wouldn't fly off. I then put my lil wireless remote in a zip-lock bag which I folded and sellotaped together so it still worked and wasn't in a big bag. I've killed my remote before by drowning it so was prepared this time round. Anyway, then I made my sister in law hold an umbrella over the camera for extra security. Had she not been there, I would have also put a towel over it leaving the front open for the lens.

and here's the visual aids for the above description (click for larger):